Selling a condo in GTA.

Sunday May 16th, 2021


Selling a condo in GTA. If you want to sell a condo in GTA our first question would be if you must do so, as we have already pointed out in another blog we think the real estate in GTA will do very well over the long period of time, hence if you are able to financially, and want to be a landlord (many people buy a condo as their first property and then move into a freehold as their lifestyle changes) consider keeping your condo as long as it’s a good condo in a good building. If we... [read more]

What is a den, or let’s talk about +1.

Saturday May 22nd, 2021


When looking for your next condo you often see numbers such us 1+1, 2+1, 1+2 where the first number represents the number of bedrooms, and the second number represents a den. We have already discussed what is a bedroom and the alternative solutions often used in condos, now let’s talk about the dens. A den, or the number that comes after “+” as it turns out, and unlike other spaces in your house or a condo is not regulated by the Ontario Building Code and that is why we... [read more]



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